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Donate a car for charity

donate a car

Giving your car to your children or a friend may seem simple. And yet. This generous act is accompanied by certain procedures which must be completed in order to comply with the law , including if this donation occurs in a family or friendly environment . These steps are similar to that provided when selling a car . Here are some tips to guide you in the transfer of your vehicle.

Little basic reminder: only the owner of the car is able to transfer his vehicle to a third party. It may seem obvious, but it is even clearer by saying it. In the event of a lease purchase , you cannot therefore assign your car. Indeed, the lending organization remains the sole owner, and the sole decision-maker for the sale and sale of their vehicle.

Have you moved since obtaining your registration card? You must first report it to your prefecture so that it changes your document. The registration card must include your current address at the time of donation. This is the first step to take. See registration card and change of address .

Is your vehicle more than 4 years old? So let's go to technical control! When transferring the vehicle, you must provide proof of a recent inspection (see below). Whether for a donation or for a sale, a technical check must be made when it is an charity car donation exchange between individuals. See sell a car without technical control .

Within 15 days of the transfer of your vehicle, you must declare to the administration that your car has changed ownership. To do this, two options: you can make your declaration online by creating an account at ANTS or in the prefecture.

  • Regarding your insurance, you cannot assign it with your car. The new owner must have his own contract, so that the vehicle is in his name - even if he was among the insured persons to drive it before the transfer. Once your car is donated, you must therefore terminate your insurance contract.
  • If you transfer your vehicle to your child, be aware that the new young driver auto insurance contract  will have to take the risk of involving high premiums for his budget. We therefore advise you to take out all your insurance contracts with the same insurer: your child will thus be able to benefit from a family subsidy and pay for his young driver auto insurance at a slightly lower price.